Confident professional woman.

What is Your Personal Brand?

For many new job seekers in the past couple of years, personal branding and building your own distinctive personal brand has been a topic of conversation. The concept of personal branding emerged in response to changes in the economy and the job market. It has gained traction and is being taken seriously by both employers and job seekers.

In recent years, personal branding has become a hot topic of conversation for new job seekers. As the economy and job market undergo changes, the concept of personal branding has gained traction and is now taken seriously by both employers and job seekers alike.

Beyond the traditional resume and cover letter, your personal brand is a powerful tool that communicates who you are as a person and the kind of employee you would be if hired. It enables employers to quickly sift through job applications and identify the best match for their company’s culture. Your personal brand comprises your key strengths, qualifications, values, personal traits, and your passion for the work you do or the results you promise to deliver. It is evident in your online presence, such as blogs or publications, and reflects your overall reputation as an employee. When employers seek to understand who you are and what you bring to the table during the interview process, they are essentially looking for your personal brand.

So, how can you go about building your personal brand effectively?

Firstly, take the time to consider what you want your brand to convey. Make a list of all the things you want your brand to communicate about you and how they could benefit your career. This step is crucial, so don’t rush through it. Thoughtful consideration will provide a solid foundation for building your personal brand.

Next, Google yourself. Conduct a search for your name and carefully examine the results that appear, especially the first five. These initial results are critical because employers are likely to pay the most attention to them. Evaluate each result to determine whether it contributes positively to your personal brand or not.

Afterward, it’s time to pick and choose. Identify areas where you want to improve, as well as any articles or online profiles that you prefer to keep private. Remember that most online platforms offer privacy settings that allow you to make your profile unsearchable or revise it altogether. If you find unfavorable search results, consider making your profile private or making appropriate revisions.

Then, decide which social media platforms are right for you. You are not obligated to be active on every platform available. Instead, select the ones that are relevant to your interests or goals. For instance, if you want to enhance your discoverability, create a Google+ account. If you aim to expand your professional network, develop a LinkedIn profile. If you enjoy sharing videos, consider platforms like YouTube or TikTok. There are numerous options available, so conduct some research to find the platforms that align with your objectives.

Once you have built your profiles, it’s crucial to stay active. Join or follow groups that interest you, participate in discussions, and pay attention to what others have to say. Engage by sharing or commenting on posts, which will help expand your online presence. If you enjoy writing, starting a blog can greatly enhance your discoverability.

Remember, personal branding takes time to build and refine, so take the initial steps today to establish your distinctive brand. If you’re interested in learning more about personal branding, consider scheduling an appointment with one of our employment coordinators. They can help you explore your employability, provide assistance with resume writing, and offer guidance on other aspects of your job search.

Investing in your personal brand is a valuable endeavor that can significantly impact your career prospects. Embrace the power of personal branding and position yourself for success in today’s competitive job market.

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