vocational education

Job Search Tips for Grads | 6 Great Ways to Stand Out | Brighton

You did your search. You looked for the perfect program that matches your skills and interests, all while ultimately landing you in your dream job.

Out of all of the colleges in Burnaby, you chose Brighton College and you made an excellent choice! Our programs provide students with the opportunity to get integrated with the industry while getting hands-on training. However, upon graduation employers may be looking for more than just that.

They’re looking for skills and qualities that make you stand out – what YOU can bring to the table. Out of the several applications a hiring manager may receive, what makes you the perfect candidate?

Preparation is the key to making sure that you’re at your best whenever your job searching.

That said, if you’ve ever been curious as to how to go about pushing yourself towards your goals. here are 6 ways to refine your skills while helping you stand out during your job search.

Job Search Tips

1. Be Team-Oriented

While employers are looking for candidates who can work diligently and independently, employers are seeking someone who is a good fit for the team.

Upon entering a professional environment, you’ll quickly learn you’ll need to work with people from a wide variety of talents, skills, and tastes. In most organizations, successful project completions require the input and expertise of many stakeholders working together as a team.

As it’s inevitable that you will work in groups completing assignments, your college experience provides the perfect time to hone in on team-building skills. Try taking on different roles in your next group assignment to better understand where you fit in and what makes you successful in a team environment.

Offer your help in any way you can because part of being team-oriented is learning how to be flexible.

Job Search Tips

2. Get Organized

Getting a handle on good organizational skills is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Being organized will ensure that your job is manageable and you won’t lose track of time.

During your education, you’ll have many assignments with deadlines, appointments with prospective employers and a variety of tasks that you’ll need to keep track of.

Write things down, find creative ways to memorize important facts or start a Google Calendar with a task list. One of the most important skills you’ll take away from school is understanding what works for you when it comes to organizing a to-do list.

During my education, I found that creating time-sensitive lists and utilizing my day planner was the key to success. Even still, I bring these habits to my workplace every day.

As you enter your job search, be sure to figure out what works for you when it comes to organizing your day, week and even year.

Job Search Tips

3. Network

The colleagues you meet while completing your diploma or certificate will likely be business connections in the future. Take the time to create meaningful relationships with them, your instructors and everyone else you meet along the way.

The more you practice this habit, the better network of connections you’ll retain down the road.

I have personally called on many of my connections in the industry whether it’s for advice or industry discussion. However, don’t just take my word for it – go out and try it out for yourself!

That’s the whole point of networking. To go out, meet like-minded individuals and put yourself out there outside of your comfort zone.

Having reputable and recognized industry connections is also one of the best ways to make yourself shine when job searching.

If you think of your network as “customer testimonials” – the larger your network, the more impressive you’ll come across to hiring managers.

Job Search Tips

4. Volunteer

Employers look at more than just work experience and education when comparing resumes. Volunteer experience, especially when in a related field, also goes a long way. It shows your employer that you are passionate, take initiative, and lets your personality shine through.

Consider doing volunteer work while in school, even if it’s just for one day a month. It will give you the edge over your competition when applying for positions in your field.

Job Search Tips

5. Keep Learning

Even after you graduate, it’s important to never stop learning. Companies expect and encourage their employees to have connections with industry relevant associations.

In our current digital age, keeping up-to-date with industry trends and information is crucial to any business.

Take some time to scope out professional memberships, courses or seminars that you could be a part of after you graduate. You’re never “too old to learn” and it’s never been easier to learn new skills with online courses and webinars all from the comfort of your own home.

Keep looking at professional development courses because you might even be able to score a student discount while you’re at it!

Job Search Tips

6. Start Applying Early 

Remember, it’s never too early to start applying for jobs. Even if your program isn’t finished for several weeks, you should still be scanning the job market regularly and preparing your applications while studying.

You can even talk to friends or those in your network to get an early heads-up on new job openings.

Take 30 minutes after class to work on your resume and apply for a few jobs. Trust me, it will make all the difference!

Final Thoughts

As you prepare for your career search, form good habits early while completing your education. This is an excellent way to start your journey toward becoming a professional in your field. Be sure to take advantage of the time you have now and take these steps while you are still training so that you can be better informed in the future.

Best of luck in your job search and remember that your skills, your talent, and your passion will be the tools to carry you into your career goals.

Standing out from a crowd is only a matter of taking the right steps forward.

For more information on how to stand out with your job search fill out the form below or call 604-430-5608 for more details.

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