Man using laptop.

How to Get a Better Paying Job

Are you feeling unfulfilled and underpaid in your current job? Do you dream of a career change that not only pays well but also brings you satisfaction? If so, then you need to have a plan in place. Here are some tips on how to get a better-paying job that will provide you with a meaningful career.

1) Decide What You Want in a Job: Most people apply everywhere they can think of in hopes of obtaining any type of employment. However, if you are already employed and looking for a better paying job, you need to decide what you want.  What does your ideal job look like? Is your current commute too far? Decide where you are willing to travel. What is your expected salary or benefits? Is that reasonable for the industry you are in? If not consider a career change. If so, consider upgrading your skills to help you get the salary you would like.

2) Set Goals: Write a list of what you would like in a position. Use your ideas from the previous point as a starting point. Write down your non-negotiable items first, then the “nice-to-have” items. Your list should read something similar to the following:

“By (set date here) I will be employed at my ideal job which will have the following characteristics:”

–          Non-negotiable items

–          Negotiable items

3) Brainstorm Ideas: Brainstorm ideas on how to get the job you want. Do you need an updated resume, cover letter, and references? Do you need to update certificates or obtain an additional education? Where would your ideal employers be posting job opportunities? How are your interview skills? What does your ideal employer’s ideal employee look like? Write everything down that may help you get the job you want.

4) Create a List of Action Items: After you have done the first 3 points, make a list of the actions you need to take to achieve your goal. Set a start and end date for each one, and keep track.

5) Take Action: Taking action on your goals and plans is essential to your success in finding a better paying job. After your brainstorming session starts implementing the ideas in order to be more qualified and prepared for your ideal job.

If you would like help on finding a better paying job with upgraded certifications, our educational advisors would love to assist you. Fill out the form below and one of our Educational Advisors will help advise you on how to obtain your ideal career!

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  • Updates regarding networking and possible hiring opportunities
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