BC Employment Outlook

Once again we are reaching the end of the year and looking towards the year to come. We each have our own goals, desires, and expectations from 2021 and beyond, including questions about the employment outlook and the economy in BC.

Whether you’re considering a career change or expanding your education in your current  field, understanding where your industry is headed in the next few years is important, especially as we start to venture into a post-pandemic job market. 

According to WorkBC, by 2024 there will be over 2.6 million new job openings, and 2.7 million by the year 2029. 

With a large aging population, BC expects 69.5% of job openings to open due to replacement of retiring workers, with 30.5% due to economic growth. The annual provincial employment growth rate is estimated at 1.0%; however the following industries are anticipated to grow faster than the provincial annual average growth rate.

Occupations Annual Growth Percentage
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services 1.9%
Information, Culture and Recreation 1.6%
Business, Building and Other Support Services 1.3%

In addition, the top three occupation groups with the most expected job openings by 2029 are:

Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates 17,890 openings
Cooks 12,790 openings
Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers and related support occupations 14,420 openings

By 2024 over 2 million new job openings are expected across the province. The above occupations and many more will be in growing demand. The number of workers needed will slowly become greater than the number of workers available. The statistics and projections for the years to come are very promising.

New opportunities are just around the corner and Brighton College offers the exciting programs to get you there. Speak to one of our educational advisors today or fill out the form below to get started on the road to a great career in a growing industry.

For more employment and industry information, visit workbc.ca.

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