From Padawan to Jedi Knight: Using “Choice” to Inspire Action and Achieve Greatness

Are you a Star Wars or Star Trek fan? Are you a Trekkie or a disciple of the Jedi Knights? Do you admire Luke Skywalker or Captain Kirk?

"A More Civilized Age"

We went to see the new Star Wars film, The Force Awakens and we loved it. Having been a big fan of George Lucas’ Star Wars Trilogy, we were mesmerized by the non-stop action, strong characters, epic storytelling, the dominant themes of good triumphing over evil, overcoming challenges, hope, and personal development strategies. The film, The Force Awakens, delivers the cinematic goods and personal development themes that have to lead me to pose this question to you.

How would you like to become a disciple of the Jedi Knights and achieve greatness? 

Here’s 3 simple steps that you can use to create more success in life:

"You must unlearn what you have learned"

1. Know what you want; have a clear idea of your outcome

First, be clear on your outcome. Have the end result in mind and it will be easier to get there.

What do you want? What do you really want? Most people don’t know what they want. They know what they don’t want by complaining about their jobs, the bad economy, scarcity, money problems, bad relationships, rainy weather, and expensive real estate. When people complain about things they don’t want it attracts more negative situations in their lives. It’s the law of attraction.  You need to stop and focus on what you really want.

For example, your goal is to complete your education, apply for jobs, get job interviews and secure a career within eight weeks of completing your payroll certification course. Write down your goal and declare that you will get an accounting job with the company of your choice by a specified date.

"Patience you must have, my young padawan"

2. Be alert and keep your senses open

Second, have sensory acuity. Increase your heightened awareness of your internal images, sounds, and feelings. In the morning and before you sleep, create the picture of your outcome in mind.

Visualize yourself attending networking events, sending out resumes and cover letters, winning job interviews, and getting job offers. Imagine yourself having the perfect day at work with vivid details, bright colours, sounds, and feelings.  Create a sense of happiness, fulfillment, and success. Once you have your vision, take action.

"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose"

3. Have the flexibility and take action

Third, if what you are doing is not working, do something else, and do it again and again until you get your outcome.

For example, if you are not getting any interviews by emailing cover letters and resumes from your home computer, then change your strategy.  Be flexible and change your strategy. Rewrite your cover letters and resumes. Go out and network with employers at events such as career fairs and other networking opportunities.

You need to network with employers in your field such as bookkeeping, payroll, accounting, or others. Networking is the key to getting that ideal job. Ask for help when job searching.

"Consult the council"

Job rejections are good. I know that sounds harsh and nobody likes to be rejected so they stay behind a computer and send out more resumes and cover letters without any success or they spend a lot of time checking their Facebook or Twitter feeds on their smartphones. Each rejection will get you closer to your goal. If you have no rejections, you are not taking enough action.

You need to drop off resumes and cover letters at companies and ask to meet the hiring manager. I’ve had students who have done this tactic and succeeded in securing job interviews and job offers. Go early in the morning or late in the afternoon to personally drop off resumes and ask to speak to the hiring manager for 5 minutes. You can introduce yourself while you market your skills and education to the hiring manager.

"Do or Do Not, There is No Try"

In life, people are given choice about what they do. If you have only one way of doing things, it is not a choice at all. The more choices you have, the more flexibility you have in getting your desired outcome and you have control of the situation. It’s all about choice. Success in life is about having many choices and taking action until you get what you desired outcome. Become a Jedi Knight and use your Jedi mind training to create a bright future for yourself.

May the force be with you, Luke.


All images used belong to their respective copyright holders and are used for educational purposes only. 

Joe Sam

About the Author

Joe Sam is an instructor at Brighton College teaching Business Communication and Microsoft Office. When he is not coaching and mentoring students, he likes to travel to great food destinations around the world. He loves to eat, train in martial arts, play ukulele, and attend personal development seminars.

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