Outrageous Dream Jobs – Episode 1: Around the World

9:00-5:00 jobs with busy days and changing tasks might sound good to lots of people, but a lucky few are fortunate enough to have some very nontraditional, outrageous and high paying jobs to make the rest of us seriously jealous! This week we explore tropical island caretakers, honeymoon testers, and digital nomads!

  1. Tropical Island Caretaker
    The world's best jobImagine a $100,000 salary for a 6 month gig. Better yet, imagine only having to work 12 hours a month for it! Ben Southall was the lucky winner of the ‘Best Job in the World’ title nearly two years ago, beating out 34,000 other applicants for the position.  As an island caretaker, Ben got to experience swimming, snorkeling, living in an amazing beach house and going on adventures in beautiful Queensland, Australia all for the small price of having to maintain photo blog throughout it. Ben actually did so well he is now a Tourism Ambassador for Queensland, going on global media tours and traveling around the world promoting Queensland. Not too shabby

  2. Honeymoon Tester
    Honeymooner dream jobA similar story happened not only to another person, but to a couple very much in love. An Irish tourism company, Runaway Bride, and Groom set out to find a couple to travel the world testing honeymoon destinations for 6 months, and when Denise and Mark applied, they never expected to beat 30,000 other applicants! Their job was to test out honeymoon destinations all over the world, making videos, uploading photos and blogging about it. They had a wedding ceremony with the Masai tribe in Kenya, snorkeled with turtles in Australia and rode camels in Jordan. How many people in the world get paid for that?

  3. Digital Nomad
    Being a digital nomad is starting to become a popular career choice. This is what digital nomad and famous author Tim Ferris did! Rather than being stuck in a permanent job and unable to travel for long enough periods, digital nomads choose work that they can do on the road, online, from anywhere in the world! Web designers, writers, consultants, and videographers are making the move to a nomadic lifestyle simply because they can!

Which one of these would you pick as your dream job? Join the conversation and tell us! Check back next week for the more outrageous dream jobs or suggest one for us to explore by leaving a comment.

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