Welcome to campus corner! Our weekly videos will feature events, hiring fairs, student success stories and more! Today we go over 10 events to attend this summer!
1. Free Outdoor Movies at Stanley Park
2. Richmond Night Market | Summer Night Market
3. The Lion King at The Queen Elizabeth Theater
4. Sunday Afternoon Salsa at Robson Square
5. Honda Celebration of Light Fireworks
6. Khatsahlano Street Party on West 4th Avenue
7. Grand Opening: New Vancouver Outlet Mall
8. 2015 Food Card Fest at the Olympic Village
10. 2015 Vancouver Farmer’s Market
Follow the links below for more and subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep up-to-date on any future events or news.
YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/user/BrightonColl
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/brightoncollege